Here are selected the first 8 most powerful, easy to use and extremely customizable HTML5 Audio Player WordPress Plugins.
A little clarification first of all (Because you want Continuous Playback!)
If you have a standard website, when you change the page, the player will continue the song from where he left on the previous page. As the page reloads, there will be a 1-2 second break before the loading is complete. You will perceive this like someone clicked the pause button of the audio player. In order not to have this break your site should use ajax loading.
1. Sticky HTML5 Music Player WordPress Plugin
Use Sticky HTML5 Audio Player WordPress Plugin to add background music to your website because it will ensure a continuous and smooth playback across your entire website. Also it has parameters for changing the colors for player background, volume slider, timer, buffer, seekbar, song title, playlist background, playlist font etc…
It supports .mp3 and .ogg audio files
1. Installation
2. How To Create A New Player And Manage The Settings
3. Manage The Playlist
4. Insert The Shortcode
FEATURES: for this HTML5 Audio Player WordPress Plugin:
Continuous Playback
When you’ll change the page, the player will continue from the previous minute. Also, the volume will remain as previously set. This will ensure a smooth playback across your entire website.
Mobile Compatible
It is compatible with IOS and Android operating systems.
Customizable Color Scheme
The prebuilt controllers (play button, next track button etc.) come in black or white versions. Using the parameters you can select any color scheme.
Set the position
You can position the player left, center or right on the page. Also, available parameters to fine tune the position with bottom and left/right margins
Small Or Big on Initialization
Parameter to load the player minimized or maximized when the page is opened.
Show/Hide Buttons
You can set as visible or set as hidden: previous button, next button, shuffle button
Read Folder
Option to automatically generate the player playlist from a folder which contains the MP3 files.
Multiple Parameters
Over 30 js options from where you can customize your Sticky HTML5 Audio Player WordPress Plugin, including: autoplay, loop, initial volume, shuffle & color parameters.
Free Updates
Once you’ve bought the product, you can download for free, from your account, all the updated versions.
Notes for IOS (restrictions imposed by Apple):
1. The autoplay will not work because IOS disables autoplay feature and it can’t be controlled from JS
2. Volume controllers will not work on IOS. You’ll have to adjust the volume with physical buttons of the mobile device.
2. Modern Audio Player WP Plugin
Modern Audio Player WordPress plugin is a powerful audio player for your website with lots of adjustable features. It support self hosted audio files and some other external music services like Soundcloud, Podcasts, Google Drive Storage etc…
YouTUBE Video Tutorials
1. WordPress installation
2. Creating playlists
3. Creating players
Features and options:
- Destop, mobile and tablet support
- Easy style with basic css
- Font Awesome icons
- Media session
- mp3 and wav audio format support
- Support for media from Google Drive, Amazon S3..
- Support for Shoutcast servers that have mp3 streaming
- Mix different media types in the same playlist
- Play music continously across web pages
- HTML5 song download
- Playback options
- Social sharing (facebook, twitter, tumblr, google plus etc…)
- API methods to interact with the player on runtime
- Event callbacks during player execution
HTML5 Audio Player PRO is an excellent responsive WordPress Plugin, compatible with all major browsers and mobile devices. Any color scheme is possible, customizable from parameters.
It supports .mp3 and .ogg audio files.
1. Installation
2. How To Create A New Player And Manage The Settings
3. Manage The Playlist
Responsive Design
The audio player can be used in websites which are responsive. Optional parameter to disable responsive behavior in order to integrate it in non-responsive websites.
Mobile Compatible
It is compatible with IOS and Android operating systems.
Google Analytics
Option to activate Google Analytics tracking. You’ll be able to see how many times each audio file was played.
Playlist Search
You have the option to search the playlist. The results will be displayed as you type the search term.
Download Option
Available button to download the current playing file. You have the option to hide the download button.
Free Updates
Once you’ve bought this html5 Audio Player WordPress plugin, you can download for free, from your account, all the updated versions.
Or you can make the acquisition of the century, with a 90% discount:
HTML5 AUDIO PLAYER PRO is included in The Most Wanted WordPress Plugins Pack
4. Audio Player – WordPress
Features for this html5 Audio Player WordPress:
- Avaliable in 16 different audio player layouts
- Unlimited colors and style
- Live CSS Editor/ No coding Required
- Control cross browsers CSS effects of various elements like borders, backgrounds, fonts, paddings, margins, alignments, colors, shadow etc.
- Fully Responsive
- Live Preview Editing Panel for creating Audio Player
- Enable/Disable all Controls options in Audio Player
- Enable/Disable Playlist content
- Select multiple playlists and albums in an audio player
- Enable/Disable Auto Play
- Create Your Own Audio Player
- Load Audio files & Images for Songs
- Album management feature
- Enable/Disable Player Song Image
- Album image as back up song image (in case no song image is uploaded)
- Image Resizing&Croping options integrated. No need to load different dimension images on server
- Control Current Song Image Position in audio player
- Grid and Row Style Playlist Options
- Control Playlist Columns
You can use this html5 Audio Player WordPress as a fully featured html5 audio player (check Playlist version examples) or just to add background music to your website (check Minimal version examples)
You have the possibility to integrate this audio player in any design.
1. Installation:
2. Player Playlist:
3. Adding The ShortCode:
4. Changing Player Settings:
5. Adding Multiple Players:
6. How To Use The Shortcode Optional Parameters:
7. How To Automatically generate the player playlist by reading the folder which contains the MP3 files:
Customizable Color Scheme
The prebuilt controllers (play button, next track button etc.) come in black or white versions. Using the parameters you can select any color scheme for: player background, volume slider, timer, buffer, seekbar, song title, playlist background, playlist font and playlist item line separator. If needed, PSD files are included and you can change very easy the controllers, too.
Show/Hide Elements
You can set as visible or set as hidden, any element of the audio player according to your design and functionality needs: rewind button, play button, previous button, next button, mute button, volume slider, timer, buffer, seekbar, title section, playlist.
Mobile Compatible
It is compatible with IOS and Android operating systems.
Read Folder
Option to automatically generate the player playlist from a folder which contains the MP3 files.
Multiple Instances
You can insert multiple audio players on your website or on the same page.
Multiple Parameters
Over 35 options from where you can customize your player, including: autoplay, loop, initial volume, show/hide playlist, show/hide playlist on init & color parameters.
Free Updates
Once you’ve bought the product, you can download for free, from your account, all the updated versions.
6. Disk Audio Player For WordPress
Disk Audio Player (MP3 Player) is a WordPress plugin to display html5 audio player in your website with unlimited color options and playlists with scrollbar.
Main characteristics for this html5 Audio Player WordPress:
- MP3 Player
- Retina Ready (Font Icons)
- Work on Desktops / Tablets / Phones
- Unlimited Color Options
- Playlist with Adjustable Scrollbar
- Multiple Instances
- Keyboard Control
- Duplicate Functionality
- Disable Playlist
- Disable Header
- Color Scheme Import
- Added auto scroll to the playlist. Selected track in the top the list
- (New) Added tracks filter. Example: [disk_player tracks=?1,4,5,9?]
- (New) Completely new admin, easier to use and to configure the player
7. Apollo – Sticky HTML5 Full Width Audio Player – WordPress Plugin
Here it is a full width responsive HTML5 Audio Player WordPress plugin compatible with all major browsers and mobile devices. You can choose between the artist image version and the vinyl animation version.
It supports .mp3 and .ogg audio files
1. Installation
2. How to use the plugin
Premium Features
Responsive Design
The audio player can be used in websites which are responsive. It is a full width player and it will cover the parent div width.
Continuous Playback
When you’ll change the page, the player will continue from it was in the previous page. This will ensure a smooth playback across your entire website.
Sticky & Standard Versions
You can set this audio player WordPress plugin to be sticky for a page or for the entire website. You can also disable sticky feature and just insert it in the content of a page or post.
Vinyl Record Animation Or Artist Image
You can either show the vinyl record animation or the artist image.
Player In Popup Window
You have a button which will open the player in a popup window. This feature is also a way to listen to the music, without interruptions, while navigating the website menu.
Highly Customizable
You can choose from the 2 skins available: black & white. Also, from parameters you can create any color scheme.
The playlist items can be structured in categories. An audio file can belong to multiple categories.
Playlist Search
You have the option to search the playlist. It will search the title and author and the results will be displayed as you type the search term.
Show/Hide Playlist
Button to show or hide the playlist. Parameters to show the playlist from the beginning.
Lyrics Button
You can define a link to the lyrics song page. Parameters to open the link in the same window or a new window and parameter to change the button title.
Download Button
Available button to download (on desktop) the current playing file. You have the option to hide the download button.
Buy Button
You can define a link to the buy song page. You have parameters to open the link in the same window or a new window and parameter to change the button title.
Google Analytics
Option to activate Google Analytics tracking. You’ll be able to see how many times each audio file was played.
Multiple Instances
You can insert multiple audio players on your website or on the same page
Read Folder
Option to automatically generate the player playlist code from a folder which contains the MP3 files.
8. WavePlayer – WordPress Audio Player with Waveform and Playlist
What is WavePlayer?
WavePlayer is a fully customizable, responsive html5 Audio Player WordPress. With WavePlayer you are free to host your own tracks.
Here is a list of the main features:
- ideal for your Music and Podcast websites
- responsive interface, with a modern looking style
- HTML5 support
- full integration with the Media Manager and visual creation of playlists
- full integration with WooCommerce and automated creation of music products
- peak files for an instantaneous access to the audio waveforms
1. How to install:
2. How to create a new instance of WavePlayer:
WavePlayer finally features a visible list of all the tracks included in a single instance. The site administrator can easily configure the info and buttons shown on each row of the list.
Audio tracks get analyzed as soon as they are uploaded to the Media Library. This way you do not have to wait for the waveform to be rendered when using a track for the first time, which is particularly useful for extremely large files. Moreover, a fully renovated Maintenance section allows you to Manage peak files more easily.
When updating the plugin to a new version, you can now keep your current configuration. You will never lose your favorite settings when updating to a newer version.